Did you ever use tricks to write an essay that needed a certain amount of words?
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-Use direct quotes and add how it applies/ your viewpoint on it
-Explain arguments
-Add alternating views and argue with them (counterclaims)
-Write really long titles and put Long headers at the begginning of every paragraph (ex. Of title Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley are the absolute very best power group of friends ever created by an author and here’s why....)
-Change from double spacing to 2.5 spacing and they shouldn’t notice a difference (if you need See More the paper to look longer)
-Replace pronouns (instead of saying 5 of them went shopping say Leslie, James, Luna, Harriet and Aaron went to walmart to buy gifts for their moms to give on their birthdays)
-Make a separate cover page
-Add a bibliography
-View lots of sites and put lots of quotes in so you can add more sites to the bibliography (my personal fav) (don’t just put the url but put the url, author, publisher, copyright date, date you accessed it, date it was published, etc. you can use citation machine for that)
-Add a hook at the begginning of every new point presented (questions work well because you can add an answer after asking a question and then five into detail or add a long story)
-Add a transitional phrase after ever paragraph (e. this relates to _____ because ______.)
-Add pictures and put captions under them (also with the source and add that source to the bibliography)
If you can’t tell I’ve done this a lot lol good luck!
-Explain arguments
-Add alternating views and argue with them (counterclaims)
-Write really long titles and put Long headers at the begginning of every paragraph (ex. Of title Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley are the absolute very best power group of friends ever created by an author and here’s why....)
-Change from double spacing to 2.5 spacing and they shouldn’t notice a difference (if you need See More the paper to look longer)
-Replace pronouns (instead of saying 5 of them went shopping say Leslie, James, Luna, Harriet and Aaron went to walmart to buy gifts for their moms to give on their birthdays)
-Make a separate cover page
-Add a bibliography
-View lots of sites and put lots of quotes in so you can add more sites to the bibliography (my personal fav) (don’t just put the url but put the url, author, publisher, copyright date, date you accessed it, date it was published, etc. you can use citation machine for that)
-Add a hook at the begginning of every new point presented (questions work well because you can add an answer after asking a question and then five into detail or add a long story)
-Add a transitional phrase after ever paragraph (e. this relates to _____ because ______.)
-Add pictures and put captions under them (also with the source and add that source to the bibliography)
If you can’t tell I’ve done this a lot lol good luck!
on August 10, 2018