Is Dr. Who worth watching? A few of my friends and cousins watch Dr. Who and say it's COMPLETELY awesome! They also suggested it to me because they said it's my kind of show. BUT, I'm not sure if I want to watch it because I read something online that said it was cheesy. I know- don't believe what you hear online. That's why I'm asking the opinion of a bunch of people! Lol still on the internet tho... but who cares! Just tell me if it's worth watching and I'll be happy! :D
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GO WATCH IT it's so fricking awesome :D It's funny, and has references, and hints, and characters who you care about, who then get hurt or die or lose their memory or are stuck in a different universe or in another timeline. But most come back :D
11 is my favourite doctor, but everyone likes their own.
11 is my favourite doctor, but everyone likes their own.

To much information on the companions. I love spoilers!;)

Indeed, sweetie? ;)
on November 20, 2014
on November 20, 2014

Lol okay I will try it! Thanks :D

Good :D
on September 06, 2014
on September 06, 2014
on September 06, 2014
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Is Doctor Who (people who write Dr. Who are fake fans) is so flipping awesome. It gives funny jokes, and interesting plots. I would start with the first season, or maybe starting with the first season of the new version with the 9th doctor because it gives an idea about the story. I would not start with the newest season. Sorry if this response is late, because Qfeast can't put a stinking time and/or date on questions.
on September 20, 2014
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Cheesy?! CHEESY?! Nah, it's the best TV show ever! I mean, it's been running for over 50 years! It's got action, romance, comedy-it's amazing!
I recommend starting from season 1 episode 1 (Rose) The beginning few minutes are a bit boring, but KEEP ON WATCHING!
1. Get tissues-especially for episodes like Thr End of Time and Doomsday
2. DONT SKIP EPISODES!! The plots can get seriously timey wimey wobbly wobbly!
3. Get addicted See More
4. Get addicted
5. Get addicted
5. Thank me :P
I recommend starting from season 1 episode 1 (Rose) The beginning few minutes are a bit boring, but KEEP ON WATCHING!
1. Get tissues-especially for episodes like Thr End of Time and Doomsday
2. DONT SKIP EPISODES!! The plots can get seriously timey wimey wobbly wobbly!
3. Get addicted See More
4. Get addicted
5. Get addicted
5. Thank me :P

I will watch it soon! THANNNKKK YOUUUUUUZ

Yeah I have heard of those! I watched SAO and I'm planning on watching Fairy tale, also, I started Soul Eater but never finished it!
on September 06, 2014

No, but I watch Fairy Tail, Naruto, SAO, and Soul Eater, if you've heard of those
on September 06, 2014

on September 06, 2014
on September 06, 2014
on September 06, 2014