Is It Abnormal To Talk To Yourself? when i'm alone i talk to my self and my roomate often finds me walking around the room or lying on the floor talking to myself in mumbles. does that mean i'm crazy. and when i say talk to myself is when you will talk in a conversation with only myself
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No. Just because you talk to yourself doesn't mean you're crazy. And lots of people talk to themselves.
on February 05, 2015
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I find it normal but a little weird at the same time. I never done it before but I know TONS of people who do it.
on February 10, 2015
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No I think it's normal

really cause no one i know says it is
on February 07, 2015
on February 07, 2015
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Danisnotonfire will cure you: ... And I think most people do... I do :)

i've seen danisnotonfire's video already
on February 06, 2015
on February 06, 2015
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its not that abnormal. i do it alllll the time. i talk to my food. i talk to my stuffed animals. i talk to my cats. i talk to my computer....anything really

wow strange....really strange. talking to things isnt too weird. talking to yourself is fun ^^
on February 05, 2015
on February 05, 2015
on February 05, 2015