What should name book (read description please)? Am writing a story on watt pad, and needs help deciding a name. Basically, it's about this guy who was the rightful heir to the throne of the vampires, but didn't know. One day, he wanders into the vampire castle, and meets 6 vampire girls living there, who are all "canidates" to be queen. Since he is the heir, he has to spend one day with each of them, and on the last day, has to chose which one is going to be queen... BUT SOMETHING HAPPENS THAT RUINS - actually, you know what? I'm not gonna say, because you can read it for yourself once it's published. Also, when it's published, will post my user for watt pad in comments. Please comment your ideas for le name! -Peace
Answers (2)
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on March 10, 2017
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You could call it "Throne of Fangs" or "The vampire heir".
on March 10, 2017
on March 10, 2017