Whats the weirdest thing you've ever done?
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I was having a dream about being a superhero and (here's the weird part) I was sleepwalking and actually sleepwalked right into a robber! He was f*cking scared like hell and ran off, leaving my iPhone he was about to take.
Oh my gosh!! :D
on August 06, 2015
on August 06, 2014
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One time I yelled YOUR LUNGS YOUR LUNGS! Really loud out a school bus window at a smoking guy.:p
on June 07, 2014
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the wierdest thing ive ever done was walk up to my nieghbor and screamed herpies she looks at me wierd now
on April 28, 2014
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Okay, so I have 4 cousins, and I visited them. One of them was in the bathroom, and another one like unlatched the door without me noticing. Then he said to give the door a little push. I didn't know the door was unlatched, so I like pushed the door as hard as I could and went flying in the bathroom while my cousins was pooping, and the rest of my cousins were like laughing their heads off! The memory still haunts me. :-&
on August 06, 2015
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Probably singing on the top of my lungs about some guy I just met when I was 2, or some other thing I did in that age. Maybe it was some Fangirling thing I did. I don't know.
on April 12, 2015
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The weirdest thing I have ever done is shout Allen at a man whilst my mum was driving in the car ( it is also quite funny how you make them jump lol) WARNING : don't shout Allen to a male or female that are either pushing a push chair or on a bike!!!
on April 28, 2014