Could you run away? like if you had your bestest friend would you be brave enogh to leave???
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on May 31, 2020
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One time I thought about it. I missed my cousins really bad at one point and thought about running away and taking a bus to see them.
on August 06, 2015
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Sometimes I want to but I know if I did it would be stupid and I'd probably just go home after a while
on April 26, 2014
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I've actually come close to running away from home a few times, but I knew I would regret it if I did and I would be in trouble. My brother has ran away from home 3 times now, and I'm hoping it doesn't happen again. 3 times of being scared to pretty much death is enough for me.
One time I was in the backyard, and I missed my cousins, and I actually really was considering running away to see them. I was trying to open the back door that leads to the front yard. It was locked though and I couldn't open it. Good thing. I think if I got that door open, I would've really done it.
on August 06, 2015
It's bad that you're leaving, but I think it might be for the best... Just, be careful! Okay?
on April 26, 2014
its fine and we already have everything planned out.... and all the stuff ready we r leaving next week sometime....i think
on April 26, 2014
on April 26, 2014
No wait childhelp aren't going to beat you for cutting yourself I meant you and your friend's dad's
Sorry that was confusing
Sorry that was confusing
on April 26, 2014
on April 26, 2014
0_O you might want to call childlike or something if they're going to beat you for cutting yourself
on April 26, 2014
we both got in trouble and the school is going to call dhs cuz we were cuting ourselves and we both stopped now but the scholl is gonna call DHS and we will get beat bad if our dads find out:p its complicated
on April 26, 2014
on April 26, 2014
on April 26, 2014
on April 26, 2014
on April 26, 2014