How do i get lots of followers? I'm 16 and I'm new to this..I would also like to find out how to get more followers!
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a good idea to get lots of followers is to create things like quizzes, stories, polls, pages and questions and when you follow someone they usually follow you back, just so you know I will follow you :D

Ok thankyou!
on April 26, 2014
on April 26, 2014
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Be nice as u are doing, create projects. ..be online alot, and follow people
on July 24, 2014
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Make lot's of good quizzes, polls, stories, and pages! Also it's good to follow other people.
on April 27, 2014
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i agree with all the answers below! :D just follow back, create quizzes, stories, polls, questions (this question itself will bring u a few followers).. n its important that u create ur own personality n be yourself, have fun on here ok!! :D with time u will get lotssss of followers! we're all worried about followers when we first get on here but thats not the main thing :D just hav fun!!!!!!! make new friends!!!!!! oh n WELCOME TO QFEAST!!
on April 26, 2014
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Best way to do it is make a lot of things and make friends. Participate a lot and people will follow u.
on April 26, 2014
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folllow people and if they are nice or feel like it they will follow u

ya no problem i know what it is like and it feels good when people follow u :) i followed u
on April 26, 2014
on April 26, 2014
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Well I'm not one of those who have major am pints of followers but I think one is to follow people because most of the time they will follow back.I don't know what else to say. I just follow some people and just stay active and stuff..you seem like a cool person so I will follow you, if I haven't already ^_^

Well if you go down and skip the first posts after the one post you typed on, if you skip the next one after that and go to the one below that one and read through the comments it says something about it...
And I live in Auzzie Auzzie Australia ^_^
And I live in Auzzie Auzzie Australia ^_^
on April 26, 2014

Thanks! I would love a new friend or two! Oh and what happened to SapphireRose? BTW I live in Canada
on April 26, 2014
on April 26, 2014