Relationship Help (Read Description) My girlfriend (who I love very much) used to be my friend from Kindergarten, and her mom liked me and we were all gr8. When I came out as pan to her, she came out to me as bi, and I told her that I had feelings for her. She had feelings for me too. So we started dating, and we kept it secret for a while, until we decided to tell our parents. My mom was okay with it, but she didn't really approve. My mom supports gay rights, but she doesn't support me... And if that didn't hurt enough, my gf called and said that her mom didn't want me in her house, because "I was rude to adults" which I never have been, it was a misunderstanding of my anxiety and depression taking over and making me freeze up and silent. I haven't seen her face in 4 months but we text, but I don't know what to do...
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ha i finally dumped that bitch

What happened between you two?
on May 02, 2019
on September 19, 2016
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Be who you are! Ask her mom what problem she has with you, and try to fix it! Simply talking can change a lot. Try to keep it straightforward, and don't let your anger rise. Keep cool, cause being angry could make her hate you even more. You can't change who you are or who you love, but you can't let anyone bring you down from it. :3
on July 11, 2016