I'm not feeling very good. Am I the only person out there who feels like no one loves me? No one's there for me. It seems like they just want me to support them. That's all I'll ever be. A support staff.
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I feel this way sometimes, but remember, you are your own person, not someone's "Support Staff". You should feel flattered that they all look to you for help, because they trust you. But remember, sometimes, you can say no, and do your own thing

Your welcome, hope it helped!
on May 01, 2014

on May 01, 2014
on April 30, 2014
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I feel like this all the time.

I have panic attacks about this. I mean one second I'm fine and happy, then the next I start hyperventilating because I feel like everyone is against me. My best friend always says "I'll always be here for you" but then she doesn't talk to me, or invites her other friend to go somewhere. And I text one of my really good friends whenever I feel like I'm about See More to lose it, an normally he can talk some sense into me, but he doesn't ever talk to me after that. Am I that annoying? Do I not mean that much to them? Oh God, I think I'm going to start freaking out again
on April 15, 2014
on April 15, 2014
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I know how it feels to be lonely and how U feel like everyone hates u (one time it really did happen where i stood up for someone but peer pressure made him throw me under the bus and no one talked to me for a week and I knew they all were talking dirt about me behind my back). But after that it got better now things are fine but I had no one to help me through that period and it was hard so I'm here for u whenever u need me. Message me if u need someone to hug :)
on April 14, 2014
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:( aww don't be sad. If anyone is sad it makes me sad even if I don't know them. message me if u feel down. I'll try and help (this goes for anyone).
on April 14, 2014
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People probably like you a lot more than you think, they just don't let on. Let your friends know you're feeling miserable and they'll show you how awesome you are :)
God always loves you, and if you ever feel down you can talk to him like a real person (this might make you feel crazy, when I do it it still feels weird)
Supporting people while feeling miserable is a very selfless thing to do :) you must be a pretty amazing person
God always loves you, and if you ever feel down you can talk to him like a real person (this might make you feel crazy, when I do it it still feels weird)
Supporting people while feeling miserable is a very selfless thing to do :) you must be a pretty amazing person
on April 14, 2014
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Never say that no one loves u or ur alone u will always have God he loves you and he will never leave u or forsake u. No matter what u do he will always love you though your highs and though your lows when you feel alone just talk to God he is always there and will always listen no matter what gods not dead

Just message me I promise I can keep ur secrets if u ever need to tell me them and u can cry on my shoulder any time
on April 14, 2014

I am here for you to if you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on.
on April 14, 2014
on April 14, 2014
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I'm in fifth and I wanna die until some one says they love me and I see my BFFs so your not the only one
on April 14, 2014
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that is how I fealt my whole life all the way up to 7th grade...

over time, yea, people do mature and aren't as petty about themselves after freshman year, and some are less petty then two! 8th grade was the best year of my life, everything changed, I went from a nobody that no one liked to being well known by many popular kids and being friends with them
on April 14, 2014
on April 14, 2014
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Hey I know we don't know each other too well but I you ever need someone to talk to I'm here for you

I know how you feel I was used in about the fourth grade and it doesn't feel good at all but it does get better i promise i'm here for you and I care.
on April 15, 2014
on April 14, 2014