Real versions Fairy Tales? The Lost Children (French Version of Hansel and Grettle) I can't find it! Please help? I've been interested in the true versions of fairy tales, they are murderous and gory, but I like them for some unknown reason. I just can't find the french version of hansel and grettle! A little help?
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In Cinderella the ugly sisters get their eyes pecked out by crows, and the stepmother tries on the shoes but can't get them off and dances herself to death
on April 18, 2014
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You mean the brothers Grimm versions? Here's the link:
on March 21, 2014
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Just look up real meanings behind Disney movies u will get more than u asked for I promise (I did it to cuz I wanted to kno the truth) but warning there is a lot of mature stuff that can creep anyone of any age out. So if ur under 8 DO NOT LOOK UP.
on March 21, 2014