Do you like President Obama or not, and why? Comment on whether or not you like our president and explain why.
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Kind of. I hate how government hides facts and how Congress blocks Obama's good ideas (Obamacare as it was supposed to be not this weird mutated version) but lets him go do awful things (like spying on the people, sticking the nation's nose where it shouldn't be, etc.) just to make the Republican Party look good. I hate politics so much -_- nothing good comes out of pressing mute (we, as a people, don't actually directly vote...) on the "Great Beast" when they're the ones that See More are suffering.
Bush and Reagan were way worse in my opinion.
Bush and Reagan were way worse in my opinion.
on March 21, 2014
Reagan perfected the econony and taxes and allowed brilliant ideas to make gratitude and cause the 80s to be a fun decade, thank you Reagan.