Do you think I have the right to offended by something that's rude but true? The other day I was texting a friend of mine about her boy problems(I talk to a lot of friends about their boy problems and just problems in general).While texting I kept thinking about how she was making things more complicated since two diffrent guys liked her.She said she liked one guy and texted the guy she liked this durning a school break and told me they were together.A few days later she texted that she broke up with him cause she still had feelings for the other guy.This has been going on for like a month.When I texted her the other day and said "Complications,yay(Sighing)" she replied with(and with the exact words)"Hey at least I can get a guy lol sorry that was rude" I sat there and just-I couldn't believe it.I knew she'd say this sooner or later but we are TEXTING she could've just deleted it before sending and if she was just typing quickly without thinking why would she put "sorry that was rude" in the same sentence?Anyway I told her it was fine but I was mad,honestly.Thing is she was kinda right which somewhat hurt my feelings.Is it right that I'm offended?
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Thanks for not saying I'm being stupid.Im never sure what others will think when I talk about my feelings.I always think they'll tell me that I'm being weird and unreasonable.
on April 21, 2016
on April 20, 2016