What Should i name my asylum in my story? I need help naming my asylum in my story. Thank you :D
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the name should help your readers tell if its a good place to be or a bad place to be
1. Heaven
2. Hell
1. Heaven
2. Hell
on January 26, 2015
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facility of the mentally lost subjects, does that work?
on January 20, 2014
on January 20, 2014
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Shutter house, or how bout the Silence Falls, or maybe even Damnatio Insania, ooh Latin :D (Condemned Insanity :P)
on January 20, 2014
on January 20, 2014
on January 20, 2014
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The Closed Walls Asylum...yeah, it's pretty crappy, sorry. :((
on January 20, 2014
on January 20, 2014