If you were in the hunger games what would your weapon be? Would it be a bow like Katniss? A rock like thresh? A spear like marvel? Throwing knifes like Clove? A trident like Finnick? A axe like Johanna and more! Be creative!!!
Answers (27)
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Knives, all of them, I can throw the small ones and use the long ones for combat. If they have a butcher's knife I can use that to prepare food.

on March 08, 2014
on March 08, 2014
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I'd have a ninja throwing star the size of a huge bazooka and it would be like a boomerang so it would cut down my enemies then come back to me (I'm so dissapointed in myself for not knowing the real name of my weapon I'm sorry Naruto fans I am so sorry)
on December 29, 2013
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A sword because I like swords!!!! (I even have one beside my bed, just in case >:) )

on December 29, 2013
on December 29, 2013
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Bow and Arrows or maybe a robotic cat if they had one (and name it Scourge, or Tigerstar). :3
on December 28, 2013
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OR! A wand...or a sonic screwdriver

plasma gun.. the obvious choice child!
on October 22, 2014
on October 22, 2014
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A bow and arrow or a dagger. I have good aim but I would like a short range weapon too
on June 25, 2014
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on April 02, 2014
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bow and arrow I guess cuz I have 1...:/ maybe later I will think of something really cool but now im just kinda stumped lol
on March 22, 2014
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I'm great with long range weapons... so I would use a crossbow or bow and arrow.
on March 09, 2014
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on January 18, 2014
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I've been an archer since age 8 (I'm 13) so definitely bow and arrow
on January 04, 2014