What should be in Qfeast Weekly? I'm kind of new at this, so I need ideas. What should be in the Qfeast Weekly? What kind of news? What kind of articles? I'd love more ideas! :)
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Are there any contests if there is you can add about that.
What do you mean contests?
Your welcome!!:D
on May 15, 2015
OK! Thanks!! :D
on May 15, 2015
on May 15, 2015
Oh, @Jenniej, so you mean that I should post results for story contests and stuff when they come up?
on May 15, 2015
You know like the best story contest or something like that...
on May 15, 2015
on May 15, 2015
on May 15, 2015
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Maybe if you hunt for popular quizzes and stories from over the past week (7 days) and you give your own personal review of them...
Orrrrrrrrrr for each week, choose a story that you really love in your opinion, and give a review as to why you recommend it to others.
Also, it might be a good idea to give us readers a chance to advertise in each issue, like if we have anything coming up that we want people to know about, let us advertise it in an issue!
Orrrrrrrrrr for each week, choose a story that you really love in your opinion, and give a review as to why you recommend it to others.
Also, it might be a good idea to give us readers a chance to advertise in each issue, like if we have anything coming up that we want people to know about, let us advertise it in an issue!
Those are all great ideas! Thanks!! I (or actually @MysticMedievalSamuraiPrincess) am doing something similar to those first two in this issue. It'll be out ASAP! And for the last one, go to http://www.qfeast.com/page/ctPDww/Qfeast-Advertising.
on May 15, 2015
on May 15, 2015