why is he so mean to me? well....there's this boy that my age and he always says mean things to me like "you can't run your a girl" and "your so stupid because your a girl" what should i do,what does it mean.
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Hermione is right. He is just jealous. Bullies bully so they can feel better about themselves. Fight back, prove them wrong. Run as fast as a cheetah and work like Albert.:D
on March 12, 2014
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He's just sexist.
Tell him guys can't judge people.
Let him think about that after a bit...
Tell him guys can't judge people.
Let him think about that after a bit...
on December 20, 2015
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He is a sexist ideot, tell him to shut up (he will NEVER get a girlfriend with an aditide like that)
on October 01, 2015
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Punch him hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry=( I just feel the same
Sorry=( I just feel the same
on January 11, 2014
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He is sexist just tell him to freak off that just cause your a girl doesn't mean your weak and defenseless and that your a whole lot stronger than him because you have delt with his stupid remarks
on December 21, 2013
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He is just a bully, and he is being sexist. He thinks ur stupid cos ur a girl. I don't think that and I think that's wrong. So, I hope he stops. :)
on December 21, 2013
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I can relate, this one guy is a jerk to me too. Either ignore him, tell him to shut up because he's a jerk, or tell your friends and try to stay away from him as much as possible. I actually ignored the guy for about a week and he shut up, but when I started talking again he went back to it. (And next quarter I have stupid PE with him.) Anyways, just try to avoid him.
on December 21, 2013
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Hey! i feel the same! its probably a crush on you or something its normal well its not but yea i have the same thing i think he is the same age as me and he harrasses me but sexuality! im 11!! im not fit for thissss!!
on May 05, 2015
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He might like you... either that or he's just a prick. It really depends on how old he is. If you're in high school and he's being genuinely mean-spirited then the latter is probably true. If you're in elementary then he might like you. If your in middle school it could go either way.

On second thought, even in the latter years of elementary school he should be more mature than that. In all probability, he's just a bully.
on May 10, 2014
on May 10, 2014