how do i make friends i'm in high school and i've been there for nearly a term so this is what happened ;;;;; i was bff with my older bro best friends sister but she ditched me, then i was best friends with a new girl i was in a little group with others to. i saw two girls who were on their own so i said 'hey wanna hang' so they were my friends but then they liked my best friend. a few days later they were both fighting over her. i try to be friends with theM: i say 'hi' and i ask questions but all they care about is her. i feel like they r judging me because i have weird teeth HOW DO I MAKE THEM LIKE ME!!!
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Don't try for something if that's not the thing you would regret not doing when you get so old to work upon your dreams so go and get to chase your dreams rather than thinking about them . So get a goal to work upon dream and act toward that dream that you have .
on May 06, 2020
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U don't need them, if someone isn't friends with u then its there problem and they are missing out
on February 06, 2018
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if they don't like you right now and all they care about is your best friends then they aren't your friends and you need to find new friends. usaly how i make friends is just walk up say hey and start a conversation and sometimes it works because we both think that eack other is coll or we have alot in common or it just doesn't work out
on April 11, 2014
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you can't MAKE people like you, that just sounds bad, maybe they are just snobby and stuck up like a lot of High School girls, I should know I'm a sohpmore, you'd be suprised how much people change
on December 13, 2013
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All you have to do is be yourself. If they don't like you that's okay. You aren't meant to please everyone. Just find some people that you can really relate to :)
on December 13, 2013