700 Followers Milestone Hello everyone! Since I'm so close to getting 700 followers, we're going to do something awesome. HAVE A CONTEST! ! ! ! Post a link to a picture in the answers below, I'll check them out. Best picture gets a short story written about the picture. Rules: 1) Any picture is fine, from any fandom, or just a random picture you found. 2) NO PORN 3) You can only post once, so choose carefully 4) No commenting on other people's pictures (you can thumbs up/down if ya want) NOTE: When I choose the picture, the story will be completely from what I gather from the story. You can msg me about character namee/town names/world names. But other then that, it'll be a complete surprise for everything else. You have 2 week after I get my 700th Follower to post a picture GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN! (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
Answers (3)
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I'm streetching it another week :/

ok and BTW stretching*

who won????
on November 02, 2014
on October 15, 2014
on October 15, 2014
Answer Link

NOW PREPARE YOUR EYES FOR THE GLAMOUR : http://www.qfeast.com/CrystalWings/profile/photo/du3b3V

Lol pretty!
on October 05, 2014
on October 02, 2014