Ask me anything. After a long absence, I've decided to do this so you guys could ask me any questions you wanted. It can be anything, from random to gross or it can even be love questions like are you in a relationship? Do you have a crush? Etc.. But pls don't ask me too personal questions for example what's your address or last name :) Love you xxx and can't wait for some questions to answer!
Answers (3)
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Why do you like chocolate? What's your opinion on snow? Do you have any pets? What is your best time of day to talk? What country are you in?(you don't have to answer this)
on April 30, 2014
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i have a crush on this guy and... anyway... please check my wall under questions you will see it

on August 01, 2014
on December 26, 2013
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How old are you ?

I don't like answering a question like this where everybody can read so I've replied by sending you a private message. Hope you understand :)
on December 09, 2013
on December 09, 2013
Snow is really cold but it is really useful since you can make snowballs and throw them at random people.
Yes I have a black cat who's name is Mimi. It's a male.
My best time of the day to talk is usually late afternoon See More to night.
I am in Germany