Can you please help me! (bullying problems) I have been being bullied (cyber bullied, mental and physical.) He calls me and my friend... words and he and his friends today almost hit us with a basketball in the face. We would tell a teacher but he's only trying to see our reactions and I don't want them to think that were not strong enough to do it our selves, also after there "punishment" (according to teachers that's just taking away recess for a minute) then we think they will come back stronger. I'm starting to think I should just give up.... Everything's so confusing, can you please help us!
Answers (12)
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Tell the principal, or there PARENTS hahaha, what would they think when there perfect child ain't so perfect. :D
on October 03, 2015
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You're teachers obviously are stupid. Talk to your parents instead. I don't care if it's embarrassing, you need to talk to someone trustworthy before you and/or your friend get's hurt.
on April 08, 2014
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Just tell the teacher, I did that three years ago in 6th grade, and the girl hasn't bothered me since. I also sort of cussed her out a bit... but lol, don't do that, you'll get in trouble! Just tell them to leave you alone, and if they don't, well... tell a counselor or something. Show that you are a stronger person by doing that because that is exactly what he's trying to get you NOT to do.
on January 01, 2014
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you know what you should do?i would stand up to them if you have brother tell him and let him deal with it or d it ourself i hope this answerd your question if it didn't just text back no i have more suggestions bye bye and good luck;-);-);-)
on December 05, 2013
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I hate bullies hun you just fight back or go somewhere where they aren't oe you can tell another friend about it and your friend will help you
on December 05, 2013
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The next time they do it, say confidently "Stop it." and walk away with you're friend. laugh with your friend and make out that you're not bothered. They're being mean to get a reaction. If you're a boy and it's a girl or the other way around, they might like 'like' you and want to get you're attention. Only use violence if you really need to but I wouldn't recommend it. Keep telling the teacher over and over again and tell you're parents. Stand up for yourself too! If, for example See More they called you fat or ugly say: "I'm not fat or ugly, get your facts right." Or roll your eyes and say "Whatever!" Hope I helped! :)
on December 04, 2013
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one of my favorite motto is NEVER GIVE IN, NEVER GIVE UP.. you have been strong all this while so now face them! make them see that what they are doing is ridiculous and does not affect u in any way because they and their actions hold no meaning to u!! i also agree with parabolic if u have older friends then take their help and if it gets worse then please involve the adults too and make them see that those idiots bullies need harsher punishments!!!! i'm seriously angry that u See More are bullied and wish that i was there to kick those idiots X-( , i want to beat them!!!!!

lol you really should have slapped them!! i read the comments above and i agree with them!! :) good luck, your qfeast friends are always here for you!! ;)
on December 07, 2013
on December 04, 2013
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Stand up to that jerk! I know it might not be easy but I can promise you that if you don't you will regret it for a while I was bullied in the fourth grade and It was the worst year of my life (so far...) I don't want it to happen to anyone else.They for all you know could be just trying to mess around not knowing they are bullying you and your friend but then again the could try to talk to them so you can find out Why they are doing it so it's easier to fix them from doing it See More again
on December 04, 2013
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if you have any bigger older friends that might intimidate them that would help!

yeah, that is, but it's sort of that me and my friends need to solve it ourselves, because there really just trying to get a reaction, but maybe I will try that
on December 07, 2013
on December 04, 2013
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You could always tell any other friends and they could maybe tell someone and those people could get in trouble for what they are doing, but if that is not working you can stand up for yourself and tell people to stop and they have no right to treat you like that

I've been bullied since pre k, I'm a sophomore in high school now and still getting bullied, I just learned if you can twist their words around they sound even more stupid than they actually are. (providing that's possible anyway)
on December 04, 2013

Never give up and believe in yourself I have been bullied before and I know how you feel
on December 04, 2013
on December 04, 2013