Guy Advice...? Guys, I have this ex. And we had a really good relationship, but I got threatened by another guy to go out with him or he would kill himself. So I broke up with him. I was so worried, and the boy said it was a joke so I would date him. The boy that I had a good relationship called me a slut and told me I was horrible, but now we're like best friends, but he's really obsessive. He tells me how cute I am every freaking minute, and it freaks me out. Should I just leave him alone?
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Tell him to give you some space so you can think things over. He probably wants to get back together.
on February 05, 2018
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Ok any guy who has to trick u like THAT to date him is a creep. I suggest breaking up with him unless you really like him (but even then that's just weird). Explain to ur ex y u broke up with him and maybe get back together with him? And about him calling u cute all the time most exes do that mine did... Good luck!:p;)
on August 26, 2013
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Maybe you should tell him to lay off a bit. Just say it half-joking, half-serious. If he still does it tell him he's kind of creeping you out, and maybe stay away for a little while. If he's still creepy after that just break off. Hope this helps!
on August 26, 2013