Why do people say Yolo? Yolo is the most retarded word I have ever heard and it makes me wanna scream everytime I see someone saying it so what I wanna know is,why do people keep saying iot?Its annoying and for duche bags!!X-(
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Shall I jump of of this 132148245876458426846846645852496584265684685692 foot statue??
NO!!! YOLO!!!!
NO!!! YOLO!!!!
on June 07, 2014
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OMG I thought I was the only one who hated it!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T STAND IT!!!!!!!!!!
on November 05, 2013
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well if Yolo is true then how do people's Heart stop (be considered dead) and come back with the help of a defibrillator unit?
on November 01, 2013
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Because they want an excuse to do stupid things. before yolo: "should i jump off of this bridge? nah, there's no point to that. I'd just end up getting hurt." After yolo: "should I jump off of that bridge? Why not? i mean yolo right? maybe if i have any bones in my body that aren't broken afterwards i'll go party and get drunk and puke my guts out! yolo right?" Before yolo: "why would you do that? that was so dumb!" after yolo: "that was awesome! i'm gonna do it now, even though See More you broke most of you bones, I might as well do it because I only live once and so i should waste the only life I've got! yolo right?"
P.S. i think we should say Hakuna Matata or Carpe Diem instead. :)
P.S. i think we should say Hakuna Matata or Carpe Diem instead. :)
on October 03, 2013
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I love saying YOLO!

Well don't you think that if you only live once that you should make the most of your life instead of wasting your only life partying and doing stupid things and possibly ending that life early? Logic.
on October 03, 2013

well i don't think there is anything wrong in following someone and saying YOLO some people like saying it andi think it was funny what NOMNOMMOOON said!
on August 25, 2013

Well I would like Yolo to if people didnt use it for the wrong reasons!!
For example,NOMNOMNOM said to some random user "I followed you because YOLO" and that is NOT what people should use that word for !!! Yolo is meant to mean,Live everyday like your last,not to do stupid things like following someone X-(
For example,NOMNOMNOM said to some random user "I followed you because YOLO" and that is NOT what people should use that word for !!! Yolo is meant to mean,Live everyday like your last,not to do stupid things like following someone X-(
on August 24, 2013
on August 23, 2013