why do dogs bark?
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who let thr dogs out, woof woof woof woof! Who let the dogs out, woof!

on August 20, 2013
on August 20, 2013
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Barking, along with whining, howling and growling, is a dog’s natural means of communication.
A dog may bark for a number of reasons: to induce play, discipline young, warn of danger, threaten intruders, or it may bark because it’s curious. None of these reasons tend to result in excessive or annoying barking – barking is short-lived and specific to an occasion.
A dog may bark for a number of reasons: to induce play, discipline young, warn of danger, threaten intruders, or it may bark because it’s curious. None of these reasons tend to result in excessive or annoying barking – barking is short-lived and specific to an occasion.
on August 20, 2013