When does school start ? I go Monday:'( when does your school start?
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Did u really had to remind me of it?

It's okay
on August 17, 2013

on August 17, 2013
on August 17, 2013
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Mine started last Tuesday. I just started 6th grade. But I'm still in my elementary school...:(
on August 17, 2013
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15 they already started but i ain't going! MUHAHAHAHAHA and today is the17 over here

cuz imma bad girl hahahahahahaha and also a prefect so it's necessary for me to go orelse i'll get stupis lectures but i'm still not gonna go!!
on August 17, 2013
on August 17, 2013
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i start on the 22nd and its the 16th today :S

on August 17, 2013

Well I don't really have a bedtime, but my mom was going to bed and turning out all of the lights, and she said I had to go to bed too. Plus.....I'm kinda afraid of the dark....:(
on August 17, 2013

How would you know my bedtime? But, yeah, it's 2:25am, and my mom is making me go to sleep.
on August 17, 2013

on August 17, 2013
on August 17, 2013
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2nd :/
but i had to go on 28 too to get my textbooks :'( <that was creepy, the whole schoolhouse was quiet :D
but i had to go on 28 too to get my textbooks :'( <that was creepy, the whole schoolhouse was quiet :D
on August 30, 2013
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I like school

lol! I don't need proof! I get straight A's but honestly it does'nt really matters cuz i'm still dumb as a walnut. A wonderful quote said by a great mind lol
'grades don't measure intelligence and age doesn't define maturity'
i love that quote it's my fav.
'grades don't measure intelligence and age doesn't define maturity'
i love that quote it's my fav.
on August 17, 2013

Well, I like school because I find it fun to learn new knowledge. And not to brag, but I get high grades on every subject (if you don't believe me, ask MYNAMEISNOTCarmen, Kirby, or heredia7 ). Also, MY FRIENDS ARE THERE!!!!!!! Those 3 people I mentioned in the parenthesis are 3 of my best friends
on August 17, 2013

well it is actually fun for some people i bunked most of my classes with my friends and went for eating food although we were not even allowed to step outside of the class! But those days are gone for me and my friends now cuz now i'm changing countries and school i used to hold altot power in my previous school that's why my frndz were free but now all of us See More are stuck again p.s i hate being the new kid
on August 17, 2013
on August 17, 2013