who is better looking in twilight Edward Cullen or Jacob black??
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Jacob Black. Here's my theory, I love Jacob better than Edward, but I'm on team Edward because I think Edward should be with Bella because if Jacob and Bella were together then, Jacob would never imprint on anyone and if Bella and Edward weren't together there wouldn't be a Renesmee. So Jacob is better, but Edward is better for Bella. Also the only reason Bella and Jacob have feelings for each other is because Renesmee/Nessie wanted Jacob there with Bella so, Renesmee could be See More with him cause she loves him. So, Edward and Bella- Yes. Jacob and Bella- No.
on January 21, 2015
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Edward is a better character/friend. Jacob and Edward both have good looks. I would date either one of them
on August 22, 2013
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No, Jacob's the best! Edward has weird hair and his eyebrows are crazy! Plus, he like has no chest! Jacob is naturally hawt while Edward is enhanced, being a vampire and all.
on August 08, 2013