Who on Qfeats, drinks? Do you drink alcohol? If yes, why?
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I had a sip of wine. It was disgusting, and I literally brushed my teeth for eight minutes afterwards :-&
on July 24, 2013
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I have never d gotten drunk or drank an alcoholic beverage on PURPOSE, but when I was around nine I was in a hotel. I woke up, thirsty, and by coincidence there was a "glass of water" on my bedside table. I reached for it a drank a little and spat it out, as it was a glass of white wine ._. I'm never going to drink though, my friends do and I often stay out of there way once they're properly drunk?
on April 05, 2016
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on February 16, 2014
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I accidentently tried wine when I was little thinking it was juice. I cried and never drank grape juice again. I was only six!
on September 12, 2013
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Yes I do. Usually only on celebration, when I'm in pain, or when my friend brings some. Don't worry kiddies it tastes better when you grow up.
on February 16, 2014
on July 24, 2013
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Im 14 and if tasted and drank half a beer once and had a little vodca.. does that count? XD

on July 23, 2013
on July 23, 2013
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Nope, I don't. But my parents did let me drink a small sip of champagne. Tastes like sparkling water that gave me a weird feeling.:D
on July 23, 2013
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Nah :D Im underage, but sometimes my parents give me very little to try :D

Yeah, me 3!! My parents let me have little sips of their drinks sometimes, but it tastes disgustingly bitter, and just ewww. Lol, I can't understand how people can stand the smell, let alone taste of it.
on July 23, 2013
on July 23, 2013
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yes i got drunk and one time i got so drunk i accidentally raped a 6 year old girl

on October 29, 2016
on May 06, 2014