Do you believe in god? God is my real friend he helped me in everything and he still helping because he is that's nicest person in the whole world. He gave me life thanks to him I'm alive because one time I almost do something stupid that I still regretting myself, but thanks to him I still in this wonderful world
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yeah! my nan is devoted to him and prays for everyone in the family! Bless her O:-)
i Can hear god very clearly too...he talks to me...literally....i know it sounds wierd but it's honestly true.
i Can hear god very clearly too...he talks to me...literally....i know it sounds wierd but it's honestly true.

ooooh! :-O

You go girl! XD,but i thought you said your..nvm
on September 08, 2014
on August 30, 2014
on August 30, 2014
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Yeah, but my family isnt really religious... i go to church like once a year, if at all, we never pray or read the bible. i wish we would do those things more :(
on August 23, 2014
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I do! I should probably be a better Christian, but I do believe in God, creator of heaven and Earth(:
on July 20, 2013
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I love Jesus. Even through all my troubles he has been there for me. He is the true meaning of Easter and Christmas. I saw this thing on a ad board sometime ago and it says something like Christian are bystanders and are not preaching God's word which means that we are standing back and not preaching God's word, we NEED to preach God's word to all the people of the world. God cares for us! For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son. That whoever believes in him shall See More not perish but have Eternal life. People on here who are atheist here's a message for all of u: Jesus came to die on the cross for all of our sins to have Eternal life. Ever since the beginning of when the world had first sin, we had been separated from God ever since, but then Jesus came and was betrayed,mocked,scorned.beaten,and crucified for our sin. Here is a song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZajkWr3QbTY God bless u all!
on December 17, 2014
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Yes, God will save mankind, I do not agree with the theory of evolution.

Imma Christian, so please don't get offended, okay? :D
Then why do schools (Including religious schools, considering that's where I study) still teach about the theory of evolution?
Imma Christian, so please don't get offended, okay? :D
Then why do schools (Including religious schools, considering that's where I study) still teach about the theory of evolution?
on December 14, 2014
on September 03, 2014
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of course I do but I don't pray at the table or at night and I don't go to church anymore...
on November 30, 2013
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I do believe in God. I really should work on my relationship with him. But he has helped me through so much and I love him. :)
on July 21, 2013
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Yes I believe in God and he's done so many miracles in my life! But there was this one thing where he told us to move to Germany and now I miss my friends! :( but still it's ok here
on July 20, 2013
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Bless you, friend. I too, believe in and luv God.

God is definitely not stupid. Any human is stupider (is that a word?) than him. Demons are not powerful enough to destroy him, sorry.
on April 12, 2014

Matstar33, u should really think before u write. U just offened me and i bet a whole lot of other people :(
on July 20, 2013

Matstar33, Ima pray for u, but watch wat u say, U probably never read the bible, which in the book of Job, the head demon himself, had to ask God's permission to do something, If u dont believe me, read it yourself
on July 20, 2013
on July 20, 2013
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I beloved in god my grandpas a preacher and if u saw me u would think I didn't beloved in him but I do
on July 20, 2013
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Yes, and that's how I partially stay calm and happy on "bad" days. God also showed me that everyone is perfect, because we perfected each-other without even noticing it. :D
on December 14, 2014
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I'm Agnostic, meaning I believe there may or may not be a God out there. I try to respect others Religions and believes, as long as they respect mine.
on September 03, 2014
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Here are my personal thoughts on the matter: Believing in something is stupid. Because the word "belief" suggest that this thing does not exist.
I do not believe in God, I know he exists.
However, it is my opinion that Atheists are the next step of human evolution. In my opinion they are in a way closer to God than people who believe in him. Because they follow his rules (the ten commandments for example) not because he says so, but simply because they believe it's right.
I do not believe in God, I know he exists.
However, it is my opinion that Atheists are the next step of human evolution. In my opinion they are in a way closer to God than people who believe in him. Because they follow his rules (the ten commandments for example) not because he says so, but simply because they believe it's right.
on August 31, 2014
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Yes! God is my Father that make all of us. He is the most important person in this world! He died on the Cross's for our sins and that means He cares about everyone in this entire world! I love u God!
on April 12, 2014
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duh! who doesn't

Who Doesn't! Yep! All my Friends have to at least have heard a Bible story, Or I can't stay Friends for long.
on November 26, 2014
on December 28, 2013
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I do! There's a lot of reasons for why, first of all, I survived a serious car wreck that doctors told my parents I was going to die, but lived :). And I know this seems weird but it's true, I've seen angels and I know they were real! Plus, why would you want to believe you happened by random chance for no reason and or that you're just a mutant monkey, instead of that God loves you and made you special for a reason? Evolution doesn't really make sense, considering there are still See More monkeys ans people living together.
And they Big Bang is also odd how they claim "something" came from "nothing".
And they Big Bang is also odd how they claim "something" came from "nothing".
on November 20, 2013