Who else thinks that Kate is a very common name? I think that Kate is a very common name, in real life and on tv(commercials, shows, etc.) I watch 3 shows that all have a main character named Kate('Castle'-Kate Beckett, 'Perception'-Kate Moretti, 'Fairly Legal'-Kate Reed). I also know at least 4 people in real life who's names are some variation of Kate(2 people named Kate, my friend Katherine, my other friend Catherine). I've noticed the name Kate being used in at least 3 commercial advertisements that I recall, and also used in movies. I was just wondering if anybody else has noticed this, or if its just me(cuz I'm really perceptive). Oh, and also, most of these Kates are brunettes, which makes it even stranger. Btw, I love the name Kate. This is not a complaint, so please don't feel offended if your name happens to be Kate.
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I know 13 Sarah's, 7 Haley's, and 6 Cameron's, but I don't know any Kates. :-O
on July 20, 2013
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It is, Kate is a common name most of the people I know have that name or Katie

Yeah, if I had to change my name to something else than what it is(Anabelle), I'd either be Kate or Dove.
on July 20, 2013
on July 20, 2013
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I guess! :) I have a friend named Kate. I never see her cause I met her on a climbing team, and she's not doing that anymore, so...
on February 15, 2014