Does he like me or move on? At the beginning he used to talk to me a lot and tease me and stuff. Now he seems like the shy type. Looks at me and when i look at him he quickly looks away. He talks to me still bit when ever i turn around to answer he quickly turns around or doesnt ignores me when i try to answer. He's popular i am average..he nice and a lot of girls like him but he doenst really talk much to girls in person and he doesnt like any of the girls that like him. I say he talks to me the most of all girls and he BARELY talks to me. I like him. But sometimes he just ignores me..and acts like he's mad at me..could it because i talk to a lot of guys? When i do that he looks at me or looks away. does he even like me? Oh and when hes talking to me he ALWAYS uses my name and this is middle school btw.
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I say he likes u, he just isnt sure if u like him back. Also he maybe shy because hes afraid u will say no and it will mess up ur whole friendship. So try to show him ur intrested and maybe he'll ask u out. If he still doesn't ask u out after u try to show him ur intrested then move on.
on September 02, 2012
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I think that because he talked to you a lot before, he realized that he likes you and now he doesn't know what to do because he thinks that it changes your whole relationship. If he uses your name a lot, that's a sign he likes you. If he seems mad with you talking to other boys he's obviously jealous. Maybe you should talk to him more even if it's to ask a question like, "What are we supposed to do for this project?" (Even if you know the answer). Then he'll be like, "Oh, maybe See More she likes me." Try it.
on June 25, 2012
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In my opinion he is not attracted to you anymore. I am not saying either he was sometime attracted to you at all. Maybe you said something which he didn't like or agree, or he may heard something about you from other people, so now he looks changed. So, my advice will be that that you should move on, you have nothing to lose (he may become jealous also :) ).
on January 18, 2012
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i cant look him in the eye when hes looking at me+im an average girl and hes popular
on January 03, 2013
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on January 03, 2013