Relationship Help please? I've liked this boy for ages. He's two years older than me. He has his flaws, but to me is amazing. Sadly, he is my brothers best friend. I know this could cause a problem but i need help anyway. It all started back in October when at a disco he looked me up and down, started at me and checked out my bum. From then on stuff like that happened. He was always really nice to me, looking at me, taking an interest and i was really happy. But then all of a sudden, it stopped. Whenever we passed each other he would stare straight ahead, not say hello to me. Everything stopped. then i got upset, then after a while, it all started again! Do you have any ideas? it was all going well, but then it seemed to drift away again. And i convinced myself not to care, but i do! I don't know what to do! I'm not brave enough even to say hey! I was thinking maybe it's because I'm on the chubby side and not the best looking but he SEEMED interested before. What could have happened? Please help. I would be so grateful. it's really upsetting!
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Well this depends on how old u r caz u could play a game with him tell him to meet u at a park at midnight naked if he says yes and comes well he likes u if he says no then get over him:D
on July 12, 2013
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I think both of the before mine are right, I think you should see what he does, or if you want you should tell him how you feel. Also this happened to my friend to and her brother just set the thing up but, you could wait or tell him
on June 29, 2013
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What I think is that hes playing a little game.. also when it all stooped I bet he had a other girl in sight. And I know how hard it is to leave the idea of them likening u its how I am right now. But I don't think u should say anything try the little game on him see what he does
on June 29, 2013
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if he was checking out your bum thats not a good sign it sometimes means he wants to get in your pants but since he is your brothers best friend your brother might have a problem with that and they could start fighting and stuff how it all stopped its most likely just a game he is playing to see if your interested and for you to chase after him i dont like the sounds of this guy
on June 29, 2013