Running on my period?? Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaassse help! Periods have been irregular, started only recently, and it came at the worst time possible! Friday is sports day, and as usual our school have hired a HUGE stadium, and I am doing the 800m track event!! I'm really good at it, and want to win, but definitely do not want anyone to know that I am on my period. I DO NOT want to leak, and will definitely no way wear a tampon. I don't want to have to run awkwardly and be humiliated in front of the whole school. I only wear pads, any tips?? I'm gonna wear two pairs of underwear, with a pad under each one just for extra protection? It's usually quite heavy. Thanks. Please reply ASAP
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When I go though heavy bleeding I wear a thick pad and dark gym shorts. Its comfy and you won't run awkwardly! XD I promise
on August 23, 2014
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Okay, I used to be terrified by tampons. As in, I refused to even think about it. But, my friend got a pool, and it's kind of dangerous to swim without anything, so I wore a tampon. That's the best thing to wear during sports, I promise. But of you absolutely refuse to wear one-although you should probably try- go with GingerSnaps101 suggestion. Hope this helps:)
on June 27, 2013
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I don't use tampons either you do not have to wear two pairs of underwear. Try going to the bathroom every hour or 30 minutes with a pad and change right before you run change your pad it will feel awkward but just keep your mind on winning the race. After running change your pad you'll be alright. :)
on June 27, 2013
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I know it sucks! if you can use a tampon ( I recommend sports ones) those are thicker. Just have heavy layering and it will help it. take midol too
on June 27, 2013
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im sorry but i dont im not on my period yet and i know like nothing about it sorry :(
on June 27, 2013