Why a headache after a day of not drinking coffee? I think I am addicted to caffeine. I would like to know why I get headaches if I don't drink my coffee in the morning...

Why a headache after a day of not drinking coffee? I think I am addicted to caffeine. I would like to know why I get headaches if I don't drink my coffee in the morning...

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Caffeine helps your body "kick start" so to speak. It gives you energy, but once you become more reliable on that extra boost, your body craves it. So, when you get rid of something that makes you less tired, you're probably going to get a headache. Believe it or not, caffeine will help get rid of your head ache. So it's okay to have a cup of coffee in the morning, but just don't drink too much or it's bad for you. Hope this helps:)
on April 04, 2015
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on June 06, 2013
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Caffeine is a drug, when you have to long without it, your body carves it.
on September 15, 2016
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