why do people sometimes feel that they have pick on other people is it because they have they have broken homes or is it becuase they dont feel good about them self or just cuz they can

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mostly it's just human nature to cause others pain now their are exceptions to that rule but still that exception is small compared to the amount of people on this earth.
on January 21, 2014
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This is a really hard question to answer. You'll have to read up on psychology to get an answer. I have read about abnormal behavior and a lot of it has to do with home lives, and the way your brain functions. A lot of kids miss behave because they have adapted into being that way. A lot of kids who have abusive parents seek out other abusive people and a lot of the time themselves are abusive. Therefore a lot of it has to do with abuse and the way their mind works. Some of these See More
on September 05, 2013
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I think that you can't really give a person a definitive reason for why they are the. Way they are.its like saying someone is stupid for not understanding another language. Which is really the same as how we act. If you look at someone's behavior as if its a language then you can't understand it until you learn it? It's like saying dont judge someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. There is no real answer to this question.
on May 29, 2013
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It can be from family and home problems, or self esteem issues. But slot of times it's just because they can, an they think it makes them cool.
on May 28, 2013
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on May 28, 2013
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I have no idea :'(
on May 28, 2013
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