most emmbarrising moment p.s i couldn't find a catagory that fits it so its not realy about authers I want to know everyones most emmbarising moment so please say so
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When my dad went with me somewhere and started singing and dancing like a mad man... That was so embarrassing!!
on August 01, 2013
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well wheni wa about three or four i was at a baseball game (my dad played baseball) one of my parents friends told me to act like a guy so i took off my shirt and started to run all over the stadium and they put me on the freaking jumbo screen!!!!!!!! :">:">
on June 26, 2013
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I would say after I was hit by a truck and I went to my eighth grade graduation. I was so embarrassed walking up to the stage to get my certificates, everyone stood up and was clapping. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. I just took them and hobbled back to my seat with what little of my skin you could see turning beet red.
on May 09, 2013