When will this end?? I'm sick and tired of it...( please read descrption) Why do people hate on celebrities I mean really? Like they are people too and they have lives you know...don't say you want to kill them or hurt them!! Ugh if you have your likes and dislikes that's your thing, and I respect that. But really...this goes for fans too. Don't hate on people who don't share the same interests as you!!!!!! Backtohumans is who I mainly defend........SO BE KIND, BE NICE, AND STOP!!!!! (and my friends have been doing it too, even an RBR, so if she reads this, I hope she's grateful I didn't say her name)
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Thank you for saying this. Thank you and its not people's right to judge other people also.....that's God's job. Only God can judge you

Thx for being supportive ;)
on March 15, 2013
on March 15, 2013
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I agree.
Although I don't like 1D.
But I'd feel a little uneasy if someone said, "I hope they die!" which was one of the comments I seen on qfeast. So I wouldn't take it that far : /
But people are free to their own opinion, like any directioner or directionator! I just don't like much modern music, so 1D aren't the only ones : D
But I think that dirctioners should also stop sending threats! Not you of course (hermionieSMJ) You are kind and respect people, but justinlilsis was See More sending threats like, "I hope you get knocked over by a red bus!" to BackToHumans. She felt alone after that and she felt the need to hide from the world if she didn't have a right to express her thoughts. And it made me quite sad.
So stop hating people! Well-in your head you can think what you like, but don't hurt other people!
Although I don't like 1D.
But I'd feel a little uneasy if someone said, "I hope they die!" which was one of the comments I seen on qfeast. So I wouldn't take it that far : /
But people are free to their own opinion, like any directioner or directionator! I just don't like much modern music, so 1D aren't the only ones : D
But I think that dirctioners should also stop sending threats! Not you of course (hermionieSMJ) You are kind and respect people, but justinlilsis was See More sending threats like, "I hope you get knocked over by a red bus!" to BackToHumans. She felt alone after that and she felt the need to hide from the world if she didn't have a right to express her thoughts. And it made me quite sad.
So stop hating people! Well-in your head you can think what you like, but don't hurt other people!

OMG. You just stole my words and said them better than I could have!
on March 15, 2013
on March 14, 2013
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That just because the people who say they are celebrities are not telling the truth. We all know it but they still think they can get away with it. I all fine with your likes and dislikes but celebs don't really go here. There's no need to lie and try to be cool. It just fake.

on March 15, 2013

What's worse, that people pretend to be celebrities, or that people actually believe them? It's sad how dishonest some people on here are, and to tell the truth annoys me very very very greatly.
on March 15, 2013
on March 14, 2013
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I totally agree. Even though I don't like 1D or justin beiber, I don't go bashing and cussing and threathing everyone who does!! I hate it when people start fighting and saying 'I hope you die' or whatnot! It makes me sad to see how our world has become. I really think people should just STOP! Everyone's aloud to express their opinion, but don't take it to far. I hope a lot of people see this question and what people have to say about it. I could continue with this paragraph, See More but I think I made my point clear.
on March 15, 2013
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I agree. But Justin Bieber brought it on himself. Guess what he wrote in the Anne Frank House?
"Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a Belieber too."
Anne Frank was a brave, hopeful girl. It was totally inappropriate of him to write that.
"Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a Belieber too."
Anne Frank was a brave, hopeful girl. It was totally inappropriate of him to write that.
on June 30, 2014
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some celebrities have caused people a lot of greif, and some people have even died over what they said
on June 08, 2014
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I agree. While I don’t like many of the more popular celebrities, saying you hope they die if taking it way too far.
on December 06, 2017
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I agree. I don't like 1D but I never go around hating everyone who does. I don't like it if I see a comment saying something like: " I hate 1D I hope they die!" It's wrong and as you said, they are all just people too.
on August 17, 2013