What do you do when the guy you love falls for your best friend? The guy who i love fell for my best friend who only loves one part of him and its not his looks and i need to know how to get him back.
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Forget him, it doesn't worth your attention. Don't ruining a friendship for a boy, it is important that you to realize that. Somewhere, someone is waiting for you, the right one. Take care.

So true
on February 27, 2013
on February 27, 2013
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dont ruin the friendship over the boy... let it go for now, bros b4 hoes... if it makes ur friend happy, then thats all that should matter
on February 27, 2013
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Don't mess up a strong friendship over a boy. I know that someone somewhere is perfect for you. Just forget about this guy and continue being best friends. Sisters are more important than misters. (I know you aren't really sisters but in this sense it means bffs)

on December 12, 2013
on February 27, 2013
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Question: Which friend is it?

Oh... I would say kill him, but it's daddy. So....... I say that you should punch him in the face, diss him, break up with him, and tell her what he did.
on February 27, 2013
on February 27, 2013
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A. Kill him b. kill her c. Kill yourself. ( I do not recommend any of these actions)
on February 27, 2013