why do people pretend to be something thy are not hi just wanted to know your ideas
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because people want to fit in with the crowd and be popular

i agree
on February 21, 2013
on February 21, 2013
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Some people are afraid that if they act like themselves, then they will not be accepted and people will make fun of them. Others just want to be like other people, and think nothing of acting a little differently than they would if they were themselves.
on February 21, 2013
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People try not to embarrass themselves or don't want to make a bad impression. They think that if they mask their true selves they will look better. Let me tell you something. There isn't a worse thing to do in life. They can't handle showing who they really are. But if they just let their true, amazing personalities shine, people will love that person more than they ever loved their fake identity. I guess there's nothing left to say except one thing. Be yourself. Show the world See More what makes you special.
on November 28, 2013
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everyone is a facade, trying to hide the ugly truth that they truly are and so with that they can keep up with the impossible dream of becoming normal or perfect, when in fact, they are all an illusion, deranging us to the fact that we bend so humans can believe that you are normal, distortion to the point of breaking, and that is when we die, all of it, everything, an illusion, fake, never true, but humans don't care, they chase after what is deemed impossible.
on November 26, 2013
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Everyone wishes to be excepted so they create rolls for themselves, there's the parent, the costumer, the manager, the friend, the enemy, and so on.
People do this out of fear of imperfection.
In all reality these people are speaking and bieng there ego wich lived within the mind and thought process.
People also do this for approval in life.
This fake personality creates fake relationships. Just a warning
People do this out of fear of imperfection.
In all reality these people are speaking and bieng there ego wich lived within the mind and thought process.
People also do this for approval in life.
This fake personality creates fake relationships. Just a warning
on September 02, 2013
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If they aren't stable with who they are or if they want to fit in with a different crowd which wouldn't usually accept them for who they are.
on June 16, 2013
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i or others usually want to fit in or at least have a friend so we hide ourselves.it's usually way worst if they've been bullied and really bad and likely if they've been bully ever since they went to school.:((
on May 31, 2013
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They don't feel like they're good enough, they are ashamed of who they are, they want to fit it
on February 21, 2013