Why is it that guys ignore you once you tell them how you feel? I told this guy that I liked him and he said, "Oh, sorry, I don't like you in that way. I just want to be friends" so I said, "okay. we'll just keep being friends" and he was okay with that. But now he won't talk to me and he completely avoids me now! I don't like him anymore, but I lost a friend and that really pisses me off.
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maybe he doesnt feel comfortable when he know u like him and he just wants 2 be friends. Just give him a few days and act urself around him and he will talk 2 u again hopefully! Hope this helped! ;)
on April 12, 2012
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thank y'all. it's just that he told me that we would still be friends and now that we aren't any more it hurts. and i've told him that i don't have feelings for him any more and he says that he's fine with it and doesn't care, but his actions say differently. oh well! i guess he's just not worth it...
on December 10, 2011
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When you say what you feel, boys get scared, maybe this way they won't make you suffer or because they know that if they get around you will not pass over your feelings for him. In the future let the boy confess his feelings. Good luck!
on December 04, 2011
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idk. boys r weird. but they probably still think that u like them soo 2 give u a hint they ignore u.
on October 26, 2013
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boys are stupid. they think that when something awkward happens then no one moves on. be prepared to lose a friend if u tell a guy u like them. I'm really sorry to hear that tho.
on August 18, 2013
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It's because he is still trying to process that you liked him! You need to get to talk to him somehow and tell him that you lost interest. Maybe then he will want to be friends again.
on June 04, 2013
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ok guys dont know how to act around girls so when girls go to them and say they have feelings for them the only thing for them that is best that they think is to avoid that particular girl its hard to explain
on January 27, 2013