What you getting people for Christmas? Plz answer I'm really curious! Mine: Mum - Trading places DVD and blue green and red and other colours Christmas jumper Dad - PS3 gun and James bond game Sister - onesie Brother-in-law - everton golf giftset Brother - coloured kitchen knives Sister-in-law mushroom surface saver Nephew - board book and one of those wind up musical tvs Neices - Barbie hair styling stuff set 1 each Grandma - pink breast cancer pan (she had it once) Grandma - book about farms in the olden days (he grew up on a farm and I help out on one atm) Family friend old lady - shamrock silver and green necklace Family friend boy - cycling helmet
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I got my grandma, a really nice bag, my brother, a DVD, my mom, a card and bracelet, my dad, a devotional book, my cat, a mouse, my other grandmother, chocolate, my other other grandmother, a painting that I painted and my small cousins, toys.
on July 17, 2013
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i got my step mom a cute shirt.... my realy mom star ear rings cause shes in love with stars.... my brother a neclace... my two sisters love necklaces.. my dad 100$ bass pro shop giftcard and a shirt...my friend earring... my other friend diamond bobypins cause shes in love with her hair... my teacher a stuffed animal whale.... my boyfriend a neckalce... my other friend a braclet and i think thats alll hope i helped
on December 24, 2012
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O and some toys for mine and my brothers dog and also dog chocolate cakes for my dog and hamster treats for my brothers hamster
on December 22, 2012