Who do you like better? Josh Hutcherson or Liam Hemsworth?? Legitamate question that most girls in my class ask themselves.. Josh Hutcherson is in the following movies: Journey to Center of the Earth & The Mysterious Island, Hunger Games, Firehouse Dog, Bridge to Terabithia, Polar Express, Kicking and Screaming, RV etc Liam Hemsworth is in: Last Song, Hunger Games, ... can't find others
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Do I have to choose? It's such a hard decision! But anything with either of them is improbable which makes it easy. Neither. Lol
on May 24, 2013
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... I didn't mean their characters, I meant their movies, and actual personalities. Like everyone knows Kristen Stuart uses no facial expression, and cheated on Robert Patterson.
on October 11, 2012
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I've only actually watch the Hunger Games with them both in and since Liam had little screen time, I'll wait until Catching Fire to decide.
on October 10, 2012