does my crush like me? when i look at him he is always staring at me, and when he's in front of me, he never looks back unless one of his friends call him!
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well you should see if he catches eye contact with you if your eyes meat then he looks away quickly he may like you
on March 08, 2013
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if youre not friends with him already, become friends. this way its easier to become closer
on May 05, 2018
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Ask if u have a guy who's just a friend, ask him to find out. That's what I do coz I have a few friends who are guys who I can trust.
on November 02, 2017
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I'd like to think he does because I'll be sitting at one side of the cafeteria and he looks at me like every 20 seconds to see if I'm looking. And when my friend looks for me he still watches, but when I look he looks away. I love him though! Ashton Skead <3
on June 22, 2017
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I'm a boy, and he's either being a player and he does it to other girls, because my crush looks at me because I look at her and she checks to see if I'm looking at her every 30 seconds (even though I look at her every 10 seconds), that could be his situation, or he's just being a player
on September 01, 2016
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my crush is always staring at me, i turn around and look sometimes he looks away others he doesn't. my friend, and his are kinda having this huge war and i was sucked into it. Now the guys are always looking at me and wispering. this one time i made it clear that i was annoyed so i went up to my friend and said oh my god, and said ya and looked there way. My crush gives this huge cocky/smirk smile in my direction, i like it but hate it because it annoys me. I think he does it See More on purpose cause he knows i don't like it. This one time i was sitting in a desk, he stretched so far back his hands touched mine. He sits the row nest 2 me to seats up, it looked like he was getting stretched by rope. i know it was on purpose. he brushed up against me with his thigh a couple of times, accidently on purpose;)
on December 31, 2015
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i dunno u will have 2 find out. take charge u r a woman u can do it... just ask him out!!! although i am not strong enough to ask my crush out yet but i hope u will fing the courage 2 ask him out....
on September 25, 2012