Who else is angry with the extinction of animals? Over 40,000,000 animals are endangered and it is our responsibility to stop this. We need to stop littering, stop smoking and stop polluting. It makes me feel so angry that we are the cause of this and all because of our selfishness to show off and kill animals. I agree to eat meat if it's free range but Mcdonalds is killing and slaving animals horribly in the dark. Please help my eco protest.
Answers (25)
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You may say I am only seven,
But I don’t want the animals to go to heaven
before they have a decent life,
I don't want them to be cut up with the butchers knife,
You may say I am rather small,
But what I believe in my heart is big and tall,
Endangered animals need to be saved, See More
those who hunt and kill them are depraved,
Michael I hear you do a funny pitch,
But it is no joke when the red lemur ends in the ditch,
David I hear you are from the big USA,
So help us to keep greedy poachers away,
Forget Baywatch - lets animal watch eh !
Beautiful, peace loving vegetarian Amanda,
You share these traits with the giant panda,
The black rhino has lived for a million years,
Why kill it for its horns, that s just superstitious fears,
The African Wild Dog,
The Pigmy Hog,
The Hamilton Frog,
The Hispid Hare,
The Polar Bear.
The Common Skate,
Who are WE to decide their fate !!
But I don’t want the animals to go to heaven
before they have a decent life,
I don't want them to be cut up with the butchers knife,
You may say I am rather small,
But what I believe in my heart is big and tall,
Endangered animals need to be saved, See More
those who hunt and kill them are depraved,
Michael I hear you do a funny pitch,
But it is no joke when the red lemur ends in the ditch,
David I hear you are from the big USA,
So help us to keep greedy poachers away,
Forget Baywatch - lets animal watch eh !
Beautiful, peace loving vegetarian Amanda,
You share these traits with the giant panda,
The black rhino has lived for a million years,
Why kill it for its horns, that s just superstitious fears,
The African Wild Dog,
The Pigmy Hog,
The Hamilton Frog,
The Hispid Hare,
The Polar Bear.
The Common Skate,
Who are WE to decide their fate !!

Omg AWESOME!! ???
on February 09, 2015
on December 11, 2012
on September 11, 2012
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me, in about 10 years when we have children of our own, tigers and other animals who are endangered will not exist anymore!
on December 14, 2012
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Come on don't you have a heart?
You don't want these animals to depart ?
Forget the x factor and the top ten singing chart,
What about the endangered animals and the poison dart.
The arnour leopard, the Siberian tiger and polar bear ,
They are so gorgeous, it is just not fair.
If I say their Latin name, will you listen more ? See More
Oh Louis please do nt say this is a bore.
Varanus komodenis, komodo dragon by the way.
Why does man have to take them all away?
Man you are such a fool.
Snakes killed alive for handbags that is just not cool.
Please listen to my passion, although it may not be in fashion.
I can not sing it, you might laugh,
I can not dance, you would say I was daft.
But I am seven
And I want these animals to last!!
You don't want these animals to depart ?
Forget the x factor and the top ten singing chart,
What about the endangered animals and the poison dart.
The arnour leopard, the Siberian tiger and polar bear ,
They are so gorgeous, it is just not fair.
If I say their Latin name, will you listen more ? See More
Oh Louis please do nt say this is a bore.
Varanus komodenis, komodo dragon by the way.
Why does man have to take them all away?
Man you are such a fool.
Snakes killed alive for handbags that is just not cool.
Please listen to my passion, although it may not be in fashion.
I can not sing it, you might laugh,
I can not dance, you would say I was daft.
But I am seven
And I want these animals to last!!
on September 11, 2012
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animals are beautiful wild creachers, they shouldnt be eaten and killed by human beings.
here are poems by olivia binfiled, animal lover and will do anything to sa
here are poems by olivia binfiled, animal lover and will do anything to sa
on September 11, 2012
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Yea!!! i know right there are these two twins that have this slingshot and they shoot birds with it i hate their sould LETS START A RIOT!!!
on September 09, 2012
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I also have been protesting and I HATE people who pollute and are lazy couch potatoes who leave the TV on all day!!! :P Go nature! :D
on September 09, 2012
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ME! UGH! People can help by NOT going to dog fights/bullfights, getting products that say NOT tested by animals, and NOT buying leather or fur. THESE PEOPLE SHOULD THINK OF THE DAMN CONSEQUENCES, AND HOW MANY INNOCENT LIVES THEY'RE TAKING!!!!!!!
on February 09, 2015
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on July 16, 2013
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I feel the same. I am going to start something and I don't care if people call me sad for it! Litter-picking sounds bad but I've done it before i nschool, it's not that bad. I am also sad about the poor people in poverty in africa
on September 12, 2012