Why do people actually ask this question?? Why do people actually ask: will you follow me on qfeast?? i think it is annoying and i have never clicked on that question, yet i can see it on the side of my screen... please, it bothers me not knowing why people can be so... arrogant i think the word is...
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I don't know. Instead of making questions asking for followers users should be creating exciting quizzes to EARN followers.
on May 14, 2013
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on October 16, 2012
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@DJearworm... true that!! If you want a site just for getting followers, join twitter or tumblr or something!
on September 03, 2012
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Lol. xD Most ppl only ask me 2 follow them or be they're friend just because i'm considered "popular". ._. It can get annoying, but it's also kind of "flattering". xD O_o Some ppl think this website is 4 getting lots of followerz, but it isn't. I Hate it when ppl beg 4 followerz. :/ If you want followerz then you need 2 EARN Them & work hard 4 them. But, yeah, people beg 4 them becuz they wanna be popular.
on September 03, 2012
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oh my goodness... as i submit it, i saw the little side bar that's supposed to help you make your question and the 3rd bullet on it says: 'don't ask for followers' lol, the irony
on September 03, 2012
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Alright, the reason people ask this question is for (usually) these reasons.
1. They want followers
2. Attention
3. Connection with other people = more social time with them and those people.
1. They want followers
2. Attention
3. Connection with other people = more social time with them and those people.
on August 09, 2016
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@Legolas :) good, people will follow once they realize they have the same interests and you are nice and aren't rude :D
on October 17, 2012
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I've got 14 followers... but i don't ask for any... I don't really follow anybody, but it's nothing personal, i just don't really see the point, because i don't follow one persons quizzes the whole time. but i love that people like to see what i come up with :D its flattering
on September 15, 2012
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@Puglover Prett much. You have 30 followerz. But, it might help you if you chat more do ppl can get 2 know you better. :)
on September 03, 2012