Is Justin Bieber hot?
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on February 03, 2014
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Everyones saying no
i must admit (even though i'm not a fan)
yes he is! just get rid of the blonde or whatever color hair his got then when thats done give him brown hair than YES HIS HOT AF
but i do think his good looking
no hate please i'm just stating my opinion when ever i do i get a thumb down or hate so please no hate i was just stating my opinion
i must admit (even though i'm not a fan)
yes he is! just get rid of the blonde or whatever color hair his got then when thats done give him brown hair than YES HIS HOT AF
but i do think his good looking
no hate please i'm just stating my opinion when ever i do i get a thumb down or hate so please no hate i was just stating my opinion
on April 11, 2019

Exactly! I HATE Justin Beiber but even I'm able to admit he's attractive in a certain sense.

yeah which is kinda sad all they are doing is looking at how stupid he was with drugs etc
on October 07, 2015
on October 07, 2015
on October 07, 2015
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on September 26, 2012
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Let's be real. In todays standards, he is. However the elements of his personality, music, relationship history and all around douchebaggery make him unattractive to us. Aesthetically, he is pleasing. He is a symmetrical face and muscles. I assume by 'hot', you mean is he attractive to me physically, then yes. However if you are asking if he is attractive to me in general, then no.
Sorry to interrupt but I'm being spammed. Can you please stop?
on August 05, 2015
on August 05, 2015
on August 05, 2015
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I srsly hate how most of these Justin Bieber fans try to defend him in a rude way. It's other people's opinions LIVE WITH IT! Geez, that very last comment on this question is just so immature -.-
Ehhhhhhh no. Hes ookay but not that good. I think he has a pointy face. XD
i think you have a pointy face:)
I looked at babygurl129's account and she looks like 9, so that makes sense .-.
Ehhhhhhh no. Hes ookay but not that good. I think he has a pointy face. XD
i think you have a pointy face:)
I looked at babygurl129's account and she looks like 9, so that makes sense .-.
on April 17, 2015
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No. I honestly don't think he's cute. But that's my opinion and tons of people have different opinions. ❤
on October 09, 2015
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I feel like a lot of people are saying no because of his personality, but I'd just like to point out that 'hot' typically means appearance-wise.
on June 13, 2015
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Oh god, I feel the hate already, but yes, he's cute. But it's what in the inside that counts! And so far, he's a bit of a...@sshole. But he is cute, yes.
on June 11, 2015
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I'm probably going to get some hate on this.
Yes, he's attractive. He used to be a very good singer and when he was younger I honestly thought he was adorable. But the thing I said about him was "He's just a guy who sings like a girl." Now I've added "He's not even that cute anymore." He had talent and the most recent look a got at him, he was hot. But I don't like him at all. He had a couple of good songs but after everything I've seen about him I've come to dislike him very See More much, possibly even hate. My main point is that by my standards, he is hot in appearance. I'm not trying to say I'm attracted to him, not in the least, because I am most certainly not. But he is hot in my opinion.
Yes, he's attractive. He used to be a very good singer and when he was younger I honestly thought he was adorable. But the thing I said about him was "He's just a guy who sings like a girl." Now I've added "He's not even that cute anymore." He had talent and the most recent look a got at him, he was hot. But I don't like him at all. He had a couple of good songs but after everything I've seen about him I've come to dislike him very See More much, possibly even hate. My main point is that by my standards, he is hot in appearance. I'm not trying to say I'm attracted to him, not in the least, because I am most certainly not. But he is hot in my opinion.
Yeah so he actually sounded like a chipmunk mix in a blender so... he sounds like FRED!
on April 19, 2015
on April 18, 2015
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He is the grossest thing I have ever layed eyes on, just seeing him scarred me for life.

on September 05, 2016
on December 11, 2015
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on November 23, 2015
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on October 06, 2015
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Why would you even ask Justin Bieber is gross drugo and he is such a dick and also what she said
on August 23, 2015
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I actually think he is attractive, but he doesn't seem like a particularly nice person. I wouldn't know, I haven't met him in real life.
on June 14, 2015
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He is not hot, but he is ok. But, Everyone doesn't think that anymore because he got in trouble...
on April 20, 2015