What rights do men have that women don't? ((Important: Read the description)) Okay I know I'll get a lot of hate from this but I'm doing this so I can help open your eyes by disproving some things, and before you call me an idiot. I have done my research. The evidence I'll be providing is nothing but fact. Feel free to double check if you want. I'm not the smartest person in the world so maybe I got some facts wrong.
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its cute u had this phase where u were antifeminist and i hope u moved past this to stop giving attention to the reactionaries that r present in every country. either way this was a random question i found while looking back at this garbage fire of a website so hav fun graduating 2 tumblr. i h8 myself but i h8 this place even more lol bye yall

Um that made no sense but I'm still anti feminist
on May 11, 2018
on May 11, 2018
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Right now,
-getting drafted (I know it'll change soon)
-Wadge gap, or, more specifically, the causes (it's still harder for women to get i to collage)
There's more but I don't rember them all.
-getting drafted (I know it'll change soon)
-Wadge gap, or, more specifically, the causes (it's still harder for women to get i to collage)
There's more but I don't rember them all.

Let me turn that first one around. It's a privilege to NOT get drafted. So that's a right Women have that Men don't have. Drafting isn't a right and I already disproved the wage gap, and it's not harder for women to get to college considering more women get permitted into colleges than men.
on August 23, 2017
on August 23, 2017
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The average male has a higher salary than the average female in the same field

The average male went to college longer than the average female and got a higher degree. As well as the average male is more likely to ask for raises and ask for extra hours.

Also the reason I answered this one so smoothly and easily is because this is the most common thing feminists rage about. So I expected this and was ready to easily debunk it.
on August 23, 2017
on August 23, 2017
on August 23, 2017