What embarrassing moment is the closest to what has happened to you?
U c some1 waving in ur direction, so u wave back & it turns out they were waving to the person behind u.
8 votes
Answer Link u r in a room of a lot of people, ur in the middle of ur sentence, the room gets quiet & u say something weird like "peanuts"
1 vote
Answer Link Fell asleep in class, then the teacher calls on u and u have no idea what is happening
0 votes
Answer Link Falling like a tree and skinning my knees rushing for cake (got this directly from 1 million ideas website)
0 votes
Answer Link Got the wrong date for pajama day and wore ur pajamas to school a day before or after the actual day
0 votes
Answer Link Comments (4)

So many of these
on October 02, 2015

So many of those. The only one that is not embarrassing to me is the waving one. I do it all the time to random people. Everyone always thinks it's funny.
on February 14, 2015

Number 4 lol
on February 01, 2015

Called a teacher dad/mom, either that or a random person @ a store: Can be a very awkward moment:)
on January 24, 2015