Favourite dead meme out of the following

Favourite dead meme out of the following

The walking DEAD memes. No? Just me? Ok then...
The walking DEAD memes. No? Just me? Ok then...
4 votes
Ugandan knuckles. Like anything to do with him.
Ugandan knuckles. Like anything to do with him.
3 votes
Memes about dead memes.WAIT... meme-ception!
Memes about dead memes.WAIT... meme-ception!
4 votes
Just look at it
Just look at it
1 vote
HEY! Ugandan Knuckles! I already said you! Get outta here! Get outta here before I toucha your spaghetti! (God that sounds wrong
HEY! Ugandan Knuckles! I already said you! Get outta here! Get outta here before I toucha your spaghetti! (God that sounds wrong
0 votes
none there DEAD memes!
none there DEAD memes!
10 votes

Comments (2)

There are so many dead memes in existence that.... Yeah, I don’t know what I was trying to say
About Author
on April 13, 2019
Why do I have such an obsession with dead memes?!?
About Author
on May 09, 2018