Gravity Falls:Should Stanford(The Author)forgive and thank Stanley(Grunkle Stan)?
Comments (2)

He should be forgiven...Whenever people make the biggest mistakes...that wasn't meant to be there...but should've known to do the right thing for good...instead of messing things up...everyone deserves to have another chance...to start things over with from the far beginning...knowing that it's a promise that they should never brake...as long as they achieve See More their goals...by looking out for one person to another that means farther more dearly to them such as their beloved ones...and always care for them within love and trust...as long as they have each other...the more they'll realize of how important it is to them from the inside...knowing that hurting somebody that you love and care for is wrong...because they care and they gave respect for you....to show how much they loved you so dearly...knowing that you mean a lot to them as much as they do...is within the heart...
on August 25, 2018

I say no. That machine could've destroyed the world and he gave Stanley warnings and everything but he didn't listen to them. Also, it was his fault for getting Ford into the portal in the FIRST place.
on September 06, 2015