Which moderator levels should be available for users ? (gain using the reputation / privileges system)
Only Moderator Level 1 (Move quizzes, stories, questions, polls or pages to other category)
7 votes
Answer Link Up to Moderator Level 2 (Small edit of others quizzes, stories, questions, polls or pages)
4 votes
Answer Link Up to Moderator Level 3 (Move to profile or unpublish quizzes, stories, questions, polls or pages)
14 votes
Answer Link
On the page membership thingy, one of the points said not to give membership to people who are going through tough times as they will try and seek revenge by denying requests and deleting page posts.
This can also occur for Moderator Priveleges as if a user is going through hard times, they will attempt to change/delete quizzes or stories by other users.)
This is just a suggestion though, and if any of it sounded offensive (I honestly don't know if any See More of what I've just written is...) I apologize.
But if it is for users, I don't believe they should have any. Like many others had said below, it could create quite a problem.
I hope this helps! :) And best wishes!