What is your opinion on otherkin?
I AM otherkin, so my opinion is this: otherkin are valid, and we are NOT delusional! We DON'T need to get help!
2 votes
Answer Link I'm not otherkin, but, well... you do you. I don't really have an opinion on this.
3 votes
Answer Link I'm genuinely concerned for them. I want to try to help them, because it's dangerous to keep living in a fantasy.
3 votes
Answer Link Oh my gosh, I'm SICK of hearing about them! They're delusional and they need to get help! They're all "special snowflakes"!
5 votes
Answer Link Comments (2)

I kinda think it's bullshit but I don't have anything against it
on October 18, 2017

Personally, yeah...most are special snowflakes or are living in a fantasy. It sounds harsh, but just look at the otherkin currently. Most identify as wolves, dragons, elves, fictional characters, etc. That...sounds like a whole lot of attention seeking. Why not a frog, or that guy that was on the screen for three seconds, or a fly? No one has "kin" with that See More because that doesn't fit their attention seeking needs. Sure, there's exceptions, and I won't personally discriminate against you for it (unless you try to make yourself sound special and full of yourself), but...most are attention seekers.
on October 18, 2017